Getting started with Voicethread

I like to think of web-based tools as the "Rice Krispie squares" of education.  Most take just three easy steps to use, but the results are so fantastic that everyone "oohs" and "aaahhhs" over what you've created.  Voicethread is no different.  Once you've got your pro-educator account up and running, you're not far away from being able to create your first Voicethread.  You may need to do a little set-up to get your microphone configured to properly work with your computer.  Instructions on this and a few other technical necessities are found in the Voicethread tutorials


Voicethread Tutorials - most of these will be in your "MyVoice" tab once you sign up for an account


Other resources are available to help walk you through the Voicethread creation process.  Here are a few good ones that can get you started, or remind you the steps if you're need some review.  Some are presentations available online and some are printable documents.


Voicethread Manuals - available in printable pdf format




Digitally Speaking: Using Voicethread for Digital Conversations


Introduction to - printable pdf document


Educator's Guide to Voicethread - printable pdf document


Classroom Technology: Voicethread presentations